Category : Blog Articles

53 posts

Many chess players learn about chess openings (how to begin a chess game).  They usually learn to make the best position to prime for an attack.  A teacher came in and told the students, “I give you 4 moves to start before I make the first move”.  The majority of the students did the same things: made the best position …
Many people are not always comfortable with their body shapes.  While many people wish to make changes to their lifestyles to create healthier bodies, people often fail because they cannot do what they set out to do, or what they set out to do doesn’t achieve the desired outcome. There are 3 general outcomes that people want to achieve when …
Last year, I just had my wedding on a boat, and I would like to share some tips about planning an out-to-sea wedding. 1. To decide on a sea wedding: For some couples, they would have chosen by minute-one. “Where do we want our wedding?” “On a 200-ft yacht, with 160 people, sunset and city skyline in the backdrop when …
We are all human.  Including myself, we all have moments experiencing stress, anxiety or anger.  Maybe it’s from the workload.  Maybe it’s from school or workplace. It’s a normal phenomenon.  Life has ups and downs, but we can’t continue to stay in this negative energy all the time. For a quick reference, you can check if you have any of the warning …
We all experienced stress in life.  It may be from a variety of sources.  Most of the time, it’s from school, work and relationship, but sometimes, it can also be from routine duties and responsibilities. It’s normal for stress to make us feel anxious, angry and sad.  But we also need to make sure that we live our lives fully, …
How do you feel today?   Is it another rough day? Your boss didn’t seem to appreciate your work.  And your friend misunderstood your joke and took it negatively.  Also, your beloved one nagged you again after a tiring working day.  Oh… What a rough day! Wait… Please sit back for a minute.  Let’s rewind and revisit the moments together… Yes, your boss might not have shown …