There are many articles discussing the difference between these two words, Motivation and Inspiration.
Have you ever asked yourself these questions:
“What is motivating you?”
“What is inspiring you?”
These two words may look similar, but they are not…
Let’s take a look at the following 2 examples:
Motivation: I need to go to school, so that I can find a high-paying job.
Inspiration: I go to school to find out all the knowledge that I am craving for, so that I can continue to explore my connection to the career that I truly passionate about.
Motivation: I write posts on my blog and Facebook posts to raise my profile, so that I can serve more people and sell more e-books. I carefully compose my thoughts onto each post, and I will keep writing every day until I reach my goal.
Inspiration: I have some thoughts that really need to be heard. I really need to connect these visions to others. Whenever I write, I feel happier, freer and bigger. Every blog makes me feel more and more fulfilling.
Now you are probably able to guess the differences…
Motivation is dependent on feelings, and you are always looking for the next step that gives you this temporary happiness.
Inspiration exists regardless of how you feel, because you are continuously looking for the next step that gets towards the bigger picture your true passion.
Motivation always starts with questions involving “How” or “What“.
Inspiration always comes back to questions that start with asking “Who” and “Why“.
Motivation pushes from behind, and it usually involves rewards or fears.
Inspiration pulls you towards your desired future. It attracts you to grow through setbacks and open to re-alignments, because you enjoy every moment going towards your destiny.
Motivation is all about controlling your feelings, actions and steps. When this control system falls apart, you can lose your willpower, and sometimes, even find excuses for why the goal was failed to accomplish.
Inspiration is about understanding when it’s important to guard your beliefs and when to pause to re-evaluate your goals to create a future with your believed values.
Sometimes, Motivation can give you short-term boasts and temporary happiness, but there’s nothing compared to the satisfaction to live a life that truly inspires you.
Let’s start today! Let’s work towards an inspired future together!
From now on, you will need NO more Kicks to keep you moving every day!!
Do you agree with my thoughts? What is motivating you and what is inspiring you? Also, let me know what else you would like to read. I would love to hear from you!
With love,
Cecilia Or
Always Remember W.H.Y.
Be Well, Be Happy, Be You
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