
Occupational wellness guides us to gain personal satisfaction and find enrichment in our life through work.  Our attitude about work is a crucial influence for occupational development.

  • Explore various career options and encourages us to pursue the opportunities we enjoy the most and suit us the best.
  • Contribute your unique gifts, skills, and talents to work that is both personally meaningful and rewarding.
  • Explore both work and volunteer opportunities of our interests to enhance personal satisfaction.
  • Practice open communication and proper conflict management with your colleagues.
  • Find a satisfying balance between the financial fulfillment and the personal accomplishment & happiness from the works we choose to do.

This dimension of wellness recognizes the importance of satisfaction, enrichment and meaning through work.  Since working takes up a majority of our time during the week, the way we feel about our work also contributes to our overall well-being.


With love,

Cecilia Or

Always Remember W.H.Y.

Be Well Be Happy Be You