Tag : spiritual wellness

25 posts

Most of us feel insecurity at some points in our lives. It’s not always a problem to feel insecure. But when it starts to spread to every aspect of your life, then it can be self-destructive to both yourself and the people around you. When you are constantly insecure, you start to look at the world differently. You are overwhelmed …
Do you feel insecure? You are not alone. Most people feel insecure one way or another, but some of us don’t really know it. Insecurity is the feeling that created by people that have self-doubt, uncertainty, anxiety about themselves, or a lack of confidence.  Unlike many may assume, this unease feeling does not only apply to love relationship.  In fact, …
The feeling of winning or losing doesn’t only happen in sports or games.  It also happens in everyday life, as success and failures come and go quickly. “Yeah! I got 100% on a test today!” “I couldn’t keep my child at the table for the whole dinner.” “Oh no, I didn’t get the promotion.” “I didn’t win the lottery for …
Everyone talks about being objective.  Obviously, the best way to go is perfect objectivity, but is this achievable?  And would you truly know if you are or are not objective?  Instead, if you can think critically and avoid certain habits of overly subjective thinking, most often things will go right for you. Avoid acting negatively subjective assumptions “My boss didn’t …
 Parenting is one of the toughest jobs of all times. Besides responsibility, it also consists of a lot of works and efforts. Family relationship plays an important role in the development of child’s physical, emotional and social capabilities.  Therefore, it’s crucial to build a good healthy relationship with open communication with your child can positively help your child’s upbringing. Regardless of the cultural …
I was reading “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey.  In one section, it talked about time management and the idea of “first things first”. Assuming you are one who tries to do a lot in life, you might feel like there always isn’t enough time.  There are many basic rules it talks about, and some …